Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5pm to 6pm
About this Event
29 Trembley Dr, Bethlehem, PA 18015 yoga is a research proven way to help survivors of sexual trauma and those experiencing vicarious trauma heal from their trauma symptoms. It is a combination of focused breathing and mindfulness skills, as well as healing poses. Trauma-informed yoga is an opportunity to learn how to work with your own discomforts. It is a judgement free zone where every participant is able to go at their own pace and skill level. The practice is not meant to be a high cardio or strength training workout, it focuses on grounding, breathing, and mindfulness with comfortable, stretching poses.
Our instructor, Liz Jordon, is certified in trauma-informed practice. The instructor does not leave her own mat and will never touch participants to adjust their pose throughout the practice. It is a space where your body is entirely yours.
Students, faculty, and staff of all gender identities at all levels of healing from trauma are welcome and can benefit from trauma-informed yoga.
Important Fall 2020 Update:
Classes will be held in person and via Zoom. There are a limited number of in person spaces available so you must sign up to participate in person. For in person classes you must wear a mask, complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment on the Hawk Watch app prior to coming to campus, and maintain the recommended 6 feet of social distancing during the session. Please do not attend the in person session if you are not feeling well. Mats will no longer be provided. Please indicate if you need a mat on the sign up form.