Tuesday, April 11, 2023 10am to 11am
About this Event
Global solutions for the Navier-Stokes equation in supercritical spaces
Professor Baoxiang Wang, Jimei University
Abstract: We consider the Navier-Stokes equation (NS) in a class of super-critical spaces. We obtain that NS has a unique global solution for the initial data in a class of modulation spaces, which is supported in the first octant in the frequency spaces. We see that NS has a unique solution if the initial data is supported in the first octant in frequency spaces.
The talk will be held via Zoom. Please contact Prof. Linghai Zhang (liz5@lehigh.edu) for additional information, as well as for the Zoom link/password.
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The talk will be held via Zoom at https://lehigh.zoom.us/j/97675948884?pwd=REF4Zy9ISUpDcEJQaDJSVi92VVdldz09. Please contact Prof. Linghai Zhang to obtain the password.