The College of Health is pleased to present a colloquium series focused on the Vital Conditions Health and Well-Being Framework, which details the 7 conditions people and communities need to reach their full potential. The colloquium features activists and scholars across disciplines who engage with communities to promote health and well-being. Presentations will illuminate how this work is conducted and how the framework can be applied in both research and practice. These Zoom presentations are open to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners as well as to the general public.


Join us for the first presentation in the series as we welcome Emily M. Janke, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Community & Economic Engagement and Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies in the School of Health and Human Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Janke's presentation Making Space and Place for Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Modern University will focus on how community-engaged scholarship, an essential methodology for realizing the goals of the Vital Conditions Framework for Health and Well-Being, can struggle for acceptance in institutions of higher education. Highlighting research findings and administrative insights, this presentation provides insight on how universities can best recognize and reward community-engaged scholarship as legitimate and valued faculty work. Connecting case study research with over a decade of experience leading institutional strategies to support and enact community-engaged scholarship, Dr. Janke will share practical steps for connecting Lehigh’s policies, people, and infrastructure. Learn how innovative, equitable, and impactful scholarship aligns with the goals of the vital conditions framework.  


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