Tuesday, August 6, 2024 12:30pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
WHERE: ONLINE via Zoom (link sent after registration).
Whether you are an engineer, scientist, designer, or from business, you are multidimensional, with myriad diverse interests. The challenge is to connect the dots in a meaningful way.
Lehigh’s 11-month M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship (TE) provides a cutting-edge approach to connect those dots through growth of your technical skills, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovation-based problem-solving.
This interactive online open house will delve into:
- TE course sequence / curriculum
- TE alumni career pathways
- admission requirements for an August 26, 2024 start.
- scholarships available
All Lehigh alumni accepted into the interdisciplinary M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship receive a 12 credit Lehigh Alumni Master's Scholarship.
For more information about the M.Eng. in Technical Entrepreneurship and to apply, visit www.lehigh.edu/innovate.
Learn more about what our students are doing after earning their M.Eng. degree from Lehigh University.