End-of-Life Strategies for Avoiding Life with Dementia: Do They Work? 
Dena Davis
Presidential Endowed Chair in Health and Professor of Bioethics, Religion Studies Department
Professor Dena Davis will be giving a talk on her most recent research on attitudes regarding autonomy and self-directed euthanasia.
There are currently a number of advance directives aimed specifically at people who would want to shorten the course of their lives should they get dementia. Professor Davis argues that these directives are not helpful because they focus on the very last stage of dementia, when one is no longer able to eat or ambulate. With Lauren Dennelly of Bryn Mawr, Davis presents the raw data from a recent survey in which 1,000 Americans were asked when they would prefer their lives to end if they were diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 | 12:00 p.m.
In person: STEPS 280 or Virtual ZOOM: go.lehigh.edu/hmsbrownbag

Due to COVID, please R.S.V.P. to Mandy Fraley, amf518@lehigh.edu by November 2 and indicate which venue choice you will be using for this event.

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