The Friends of the Lehigh University Libraries invite you to join us on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. via Zoom for Adapting to Climate Change in One Square Mile: Lessons Learned from Hoboken, New Jersey, presented by Jennifer Gonzalez ’08 ’09G, Director of Environmental Services and Chief Sustainability Officer for the City of Hoboken, New Jersey.

The City of Hoboken, NJ is a 1-square mile city located along the Hudson River directly west of midtown Manhattan, between the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels. As an urban coastal city, Hoboken is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, which continues to threaten quality of life for Hoboken residents. Increasing greenhouse gas emissions will bring rising sea levels, more frequent and intense storm events, higher temperatures, and longer heat waves. This talk will review investments, policy, and planning by the City and its partners at all levels of government and within the private sector to adapt to the impacts of climate change. Participants will learn how the City leverages multi-benefit capital projects for financing resiliency, and the vital roles of leadership and community engagement. The talk will conclude with a view toward the future of regional resilience in New Jersey.

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