Monday, February 26, 2024 2pm to 3pm
About this Event
8 E Packer Ave, Bethlehem, PA 18015 candidate for the COH Biostats Health Data Science Associate/Full Professor obtained their PhD in statistics and is currently a tenured full professor of biostatistics in a College of Health Sciences. They were a tenure-track assistant professor and then tenured associate professor of biostatistics in a Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Their research interests include statistical genetics, bioinformatics, survival analysis, meta-analysis, and collaborative research. Their research has been funded by NIH and NSF as PI and Co-I/Co-PI. The candidate has published more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, including many as first or corresponding authors. They have taught several bio/statistical courses and supervised/mentored more than 30 graduate students.
Title: Optimal Tests for Combining p-Values
Abstract: Combining information (e.g., p-values) obtained from individual studies to test whether there is an overall effect is an important task in statistical data analysis. Many classical statistical tests, such as chi-square tests, can be viewed as being a p-value combination approach. It remains challenging to find powerful methods to combine p-values obtained from various sources. In this study, we investigate a class of p-value combination methods based on gamma distribution. We show that this class of tests is optimal under certain conditions and several existing popular methods are equivalent to its special cases. An asymptotically and uniformly most powerful p-value combination test based on constrained likelihood ratio test is then studied. Numeric results from simulation study and real data examples demonstrate that the proposed tests are robust and powerful under many conditions. They have potential broad applications in statistical inference.
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