Register today for the 6th installment of Energy Systems Engineering Fall 2022 Seminar Series: The Janak Raj Lectures, co-sponsored by the LU/UN Partnership.
This seminar is available only online via Zoom.
Presented by:  Virginia Echinope, Ministry of Industry, Energy & Mining, Dept Head at DNE ( Dirección Nacional de Energía)


TIME: 12:00 PM Eastern Time 
LOCATION - ZOOM MEETING link to be sent prior to the seminar date

AbstractUruguay is among the countries in the world with highest shares of renewable energies in its electricity generation matrix. This position was achieved through an aggressive development of wind and solar energy driven not only by environmental reasons but also to strengthen its electricity sector and make it less dependent on imported fossil fuels.

In this seminar we will talk about the development of renewables, the challenges that they have posed to the operation of the system but also we will explore the opportunities that came with these development. Nowadays there is no doubt that renewables are the option to continue with the development of the country’s energy system, so we will discuss about next steps and next challenges to be addressed to achieve the country’s goals in the development of a clean energy system. 
Bio: Mrs. Virginia Echinope holds a degree in Electric Engineering from the University of the Republic and has been Head of the Electric Energy Area from the National Directorate of Energy of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay since 2007. Her working experience includes energy planning, development of alternative resources for electric energy generation, evaluation of regulatory aspects of the electricity market and electromobility development. She has actively participated in the design of policies for wind and solar energy integration. Her experience in energy planning includes the study for long term expansion of the electricity generation system as well as the selection of tools for the development of renewable energy systems in MV and LV network. She has also contributed to the determination of tariffs for the electric sector in Uruguay, to the development of off grid projects for rural electrification and to the analysis and reformulation of Uruguay’s regulatory frame for the electric sector. Since 2003 she has been working as professor at the Faculty of Engineering with research and teaching experience in power electronics, power quality and energy planning.
If interested, please attend this presentation on
Monday, November 14th, at 12:00pm 
Eastern Time.

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