Monday, September 12, 2022 12pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
Register today for the next installment of Energy Systems Engineering Fall 2022 Seminar Series: The Janak Raj Lectures.
This seminar is available only online via Zoom.
Presented by: Chris Eshleman, Director , Power Resources at East Bay Community Energy
TIME: 12:00 PM EDT
LOCATION - ZOOM MEETING link to be sent prior to the seminar date
ABSTRACT: Throughout the country across, the process of integrated and planning for the buildout of new generation resources is not a new one. This process, called Integrated Resource Planning ("IRP"), incorporates regulatory requirements, load serving entities, and supply side managers to chart a path forward to meet collective goals. In the seminar, the broad topic of IRP will be discussed along with some of the finer nuances that East Bay Community Energy faces being a small public utility in the greater Bay Area. We'll cover the high level process, the key inputs needed, the output requirements, outsized drivers of change and a hypothetical portfolio to bring all concepts together.
BIO: Chris manages fixed price energy hedging, risk surrounding load coverage and procurement related data analytics and visualization. Additionally, he leads the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) process. Prior to joining EBCE, Chris spent five years working on PG&E’s day ahead scheduling desk where he led the process of creating optimization based scheduling for their hydroelectric portfolio. Chris holds a Master of Engineering in Energy Systems Engineering from Lehigh University and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from San Diego State University. University.
If interested, please attend the presentation on Monday, September 12 at 12:00pm EDT.
For more information about the M.Eng. in Energy Systems Engineering program, visit our website:
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