"Empowering Regional Impact Through Entrepreneurship: The Role for Universities" is an in-depth discussion on the roles of universities in the development of regional innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems. As part of its new strategic plan, Inspiring the Future Makers, Lehigh is reimagining its entrepreneurial footprint through a global lens that simultaneously builds on its strengths in entrepreneurship education and seeks to contribute to the expansion of the already vibrant Lehigh Valley entrepreneurial ecosystem. With its strong research base, industry-university collaborations, entrepreneurship education, talent access and development, technology transfer, idea incubators, start-up accelerators, and venture capital resources, the Lehigh Valley is poised to become a hub of entrepreneurship and innovation.


This symposium will delve into strategies employed by university, economic development, and government leaders in the Lehigh Valley and Germany’s Ruhr Area. The Ruhr Area, formerly a coal mining region, is now recognized in Europe for its thriving startup ecosystem, driven in part by robust university-industry-government partnerships. Conversations also will explore the relationship between immigration and entrepreneurship, specifically the roles that international students and scholars play at universities with research innovation.


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