Could a conversation (or avoiding one) be keeping you from getting the results you need? Whatever the issue - from poor productivity or declining quality, to lack of teamwork or strained relationships - it's likely that you are experiencing the effects of a poorly held crucial conversation.

Learn how to create conditions where people speak with complete candor (no matter the topic) and with complete respect (no matter the person). Gain skills that enable spirited dialog and reduce deference and defiance. Begin stepping up to tough issues and sharing opinions, feelings and information safely and freely. Learn how to promote the best ideas, save time with fewer meetings, have less disagreement, and build more alignment with better decisions.

This course takes place over five Zoom sessions this summer and attending all sessions is required. The schedule is as follows:

Thursdays from 9:30AM - 11:30AM

July 7, 14, 21, 28, and August 4th

Participants must attend all 5 sessions

Registration is required. Click here to register. The CE@L team will then send Google Calendar invites to all 5 sessions.

This course is presented by Human Resources and registration is open to Staff and Faculty only. 

If the course is full, please click the "Join wait list" button to be placed on the waiting list.

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