The College of Health, in partnership with the College of Arts and Sciences’ Interdisciplinary Programs, the Institute for Health Policy & Politics and Good Shepherd Rehabilitation is pleased to present a colloquium series focused on disability independence. Featuring activists and scholars across disciplines who advance the well-being and agency of people with disabilities, the disability independence series will address topics such as assistive technology, disability innovation, disability histories, and more. These Zoom presentations are open to all students, faculty, staff, alumni, and partners as well as to the general public.

"Believing In Yourself & Sharing Your Story Will Help You Grow" will be presented by James Durham, TBI (tramatic brain injury) survivor, Motivational and Educational speaker, founder of TBI One Love.

As a motivational and educational speaker focusing on creating more productivity, positivity, and success on all levels regarding professional and personal environment James Durham has been helping others achieve success through techniques he developed in overcoming a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, creating a business from idea to being an international non-profit business since 12/2014, and becoming a successful Motivational Speaker plus a Radio Host. James shares his own experience of overcoming great obstacles in recovery after waking from a coma, the long journey, facing challenges, and the necessary components needed for anyone facing life-changing obstacles to have hope and success in any trials they may face. The example James presents in his own experience and outcome is beneficial for anyone in overcoming and/or simply changing perspectives in life’s true meaning and purpose while inspiring an “anything is possible” approach to all.

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