Do your virtual class sessions or team meetings need a jolt of engagement? Do you get the sense that participants enter a zoom session only to turn their camera off and go about doing other work? Do you want to encourage your students to take ownership of their learning, even in the Zoom room? In this CITL workshop, we will pass along novel activities and solutions to make your virtual classes and meetings more engaging, exciting, and memorable. Use tactics to break up the monotony of lectures, decrease “Zoom fatigue,” and encourage community development both between the instructor and students and the students with one another.

The session will be facilitated by Jason Slipp, Instructional Designer within the CITL, Farah Vallera (Professor of Practice in Instructional Design and Instructional Technology - COE) and Shannon Varcoe 15, 16G. With the help of the facilitators, participants will reimagine their virtual sessions using various forms of play, creativity, and other research-backed design considerations that foster engagement and a sense of community in virtual spaces.

*Warning - This session will be highly interactive and require your camera to be on and for you to move, interact, and maybe even sing or dance.

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