About this Event
Brining in the Bystander is an educational program that encourages participants to become positive bystanders in instances of sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. Participants learn to identify problem situations; they also learn practical skills for safe and effective intervention.
Bystanders are individuals who witness emergencies, criminal events, or situations that could lead to criminal events and by their presence may have the opportunity to provide assistance, do nothing, or contribute to the negative behavior. In the context of this program, prosocial bystanders are individuals whose behaviors intervene in ways that impact the outcome positively.
Hosted by: Break the Silence, NavigateLU Administration
Online Location: lehigh.zoom.us/j/99756211042?pwd=RlJmTWhCb2lzWG1CYkUvVGprL2tTQT09
Additional Information can be found at: lehigh.campuslabs.com/engage/event/6477002
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